Monday, March 28, 2011

Go ahead and dry it.

What does everyone want deep down? That perfect haircut. The one that falls into place on its own, always lays right, and looks fabulous with half the work. How do you get this? The biggest tip I have is LEAVE WITH DRY HAIR! Very rarely does a sprayed down leave the salon sopping special really end up being that haircut of your dreams. Why? So glad you asked.

As a very wise woman once said to me "wet hair lies". Think about it. Fresh out of the shower what does your hair look like? Can you tell how curly or straight it really is? Can you see those crazy growth patterns that haunt you every morning while styling? Is your hair the same color as when it is dry? Can you see how coarse or fine your hair is? I believe NOT!

From a stylists perspective how am i to tell if you have a perfectly blended haircut that lays just the way you want when your hair is wet? I just can't. Too many things change in hair from wet to dry. Also when hair is dry that is when you can completely texturize a cut, something that makes ALL the difference. I always do the initial cut wet, but then the majority after I dry it. I promise you will get better results. Promise.

SO please, next time you get a cut, spend a little more and add the style or go somewhere that is all inclusive. Not only do you then get to enjoy a nice wash, and someone else styling your hair for a change, you will dramatically enhance your satisfaction with the cut.

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