Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Love it.

I will keep it short and sweet today, but know there are many tutorials and tips coming up in the next few weeks, stay tuned! As for today...I read this quote in an article someone posted to Facebook..
"You want to know the real best form of exercise? It’s the one you love. It’s the one you are motivated to do regularly and train hard at. It’s the one you want to keep improving at. That one is best."
I LOVED this. I completely agree. Now why am I posting this on a hair blog? Because it applies to everything. You want to know the best hairstyle for you? It's the one you love. Style, and hair type are definite considerations, but when it comes down to it what is important is YOU loving YOUR hair when you look in the mirror. Be true to your own personal style, and do your hair how you love it. My job is to help you find that style you love. Your job is to be comfortable enough to be whatever style you like most. Deal? Great.

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