Monday, January 9, 2012

Razor Cut

Just a quick thought today. I LOVE cutting with a razor. I mean I love my shears, but razor cutting really excites me. They both have a time and a place, and there are times when I wouldn't recommend getting a razor cut. A lot of people seem to be a little hesitant to have a razor used on their hair, and rightly so. A razor can cause damage, and create problems if not used correctly. BUT. When a razor is used correctly it can do wonderful things to your hair. Allow me to explain a few things a love about a razor cut.

  • It gives your ends a soft finish. It takes care of that "I just got my hair cut" harsh line, but still takes care of dead ends.
  • It creates insane amounts of texture. This will do WONDERS for your styling. It will increase volume, and give a whole new level of dimension to your do.
  • Remember when we talked about the shelf? None of that happening when the razor comes to town.
I just love it! There are things to be cautious of. If you have really thin, fine hair, curly frizzy hair, or highly damaged/bleached hair a razor cut might not be for you. Only your stylist can really evaluate if it is right for you. But please, consider it! It might just change everything.

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