Thursday, March 17, 2011

Don't choose sides.

Want an extremely SIMPLE, completely FREE way to change up your look today? Switch your part. Usually part on the right? Take it to the left. Normally a lefty? Switch it! Or be brave and try straight down the middle! This may seem really strange at first but it can totally change your look!

Many people have crazy growth patterns around their hairline which is what has persuaded them to part the way they do. If you start out with your hair sopping wet, part it, then blow dry constantly combing your hair the new way you want it to go, you can usually overcome the craziness or the hair line. If you give it a go for a few days you can train your hair to go your way. Although what I like about changing my part almost daily is that my hair no longer has a mind of its own, it goes the way I tell it to.

It is also common to have fringe cut to part in a certain way. You might be surprised after making the switch that it will cooperate either way. If it lays funny, try a cute twist or braid to hide the awkward hairs. A little pomade can go a long way in assisting the switch.

If changing it up is something you might think you might like to try, mention it to your stylist and she (or he) can do your cut and color to go any way you may feel like trying. It might seem small, but it really will aid you in achieving a new look, even just for a day. So go ahead, cross on over, or settle in the middle. It might feel awkward and out of your comfort zone at first, but branching out has always been a healthy practice!


  1. Great tip! I always thought there was a side every person was "supposed" to comb it. I'm gonna switch it up tomorrow! Thanks!

  2. its true folks it really does work.
    although i am still convinced that i have a huge face after trying different parts.
    i am waaaay too comfortable with my one side. except for when you style it its always amazing, naturally.
    loooving all the tips and this fabulous blog!
