Thursday, March 24, 2011

Frame it.

How do you automatically make your eyes pop and your whole face look improved? It is all about the brows my friends. Filling in your brows can be challenging and time consuming. And if you haven't been doing it you may think you look funny at first. But it makes a WORLD of difference! As my makeup artist instructor once explained, your brow is the frame for your eye, and really your whole face. You will be SHOCKED at how much better all your makeup looks with a good strong brow.

So where am I going with this? This isn't JUST a campaign for everyone to go for darker, more noticeable brows. Next time you are getting your hair colored, ask your stylist to add a little to your brows (unless you are going lighter of course...bleaching the brows is NOT least by me).  It takes no time at all, and they most likely have a touch of extra color anyways. It will totally change your face AND cut time off in the mornings so you don't have to pencil them in. Totally a win win. And remember, always tint THEN wax. Never the other way around.
I couldn't help but include Bert. Whenever I think about eyebrows he is on my mind. You might feel like you look like this the first few days after changing your brows, but I promise, you don't.

1 comment:

  1. haha love the bert photo. um maybs when you do my pre-labor hair we could work on my brows? i wanna look fab in the delivery room basically. hahaha jk but you do always make me feel prettier.
