Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blame it on the band.

I have mentioned before there are primarily two different types of hair damage. There is chemical and mechanical. Chemical damage is cause by lightening, perming, or any other chemical processing you put your hair through. Today I would like to say a word about mechanical damage.

Mechanical damage is caused by the physical stress you cause to your hair. One of the biggest causes is the beloved ponytail. Wearing a pony repeatedly in the same general place can cause breakage. Clipping your hair in the same place can do the same thing. Now don't stress, I am not saying you should never wear a pony. But to avoid breakage here are some things to remember...

  • Use a covered elastic. NEVER use an exposed rubber band in your hair. Breakage city.
  • Try to change up where you sport your pony. High, low, or side to side.
  • Don't wrap it sooooo tight. Use enough tension to hold it in but there is no need to tighten it to the point of no return.
  • Let your hair down. Life sometimes requires we wear our hair up, but when you have the chance, let it down. Give it some time to breathe.
If the damage is done have no fear. Just start changing your ways and be loving to your locks. 

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